indoriau perkasa

Tentang Website PT. Indo Riau Perkasa

PT. Indo Riau Perkasa is a Indonesia-based “cold works” goods and services specialist, with expertise throughout repairs and upkeep, including pipeline rehabilitation, pipe support implementation and wider plant maintenance. We excel in “cold repairs”, particularly for oil and gas sectors. A defining point of this excellence is our ATEX certified cold grinding and cutting tools in Zones 1 and 2 areas, utilised for remedial and preventive maintenance operations.

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Owner : Tim IRP

Web Design : Arane Aangtofa


PT. Indo Riau Perkasa is a Indonesia-based “cold works” goods and services specialist, with expertise throughout repairs and upkeep, including pipeline rehabilitation, pipe support implementation and wider plant maintenance. We excel in “cold repairs”, particularly for oil and gas sectors. A defining point of this excellence is our ATEX certified cold grinding and cutting tools in Zones 1 and 2 areas, utilised for remedial and preventive maintenance operations.

At IRP, we realise that unscheduled plant shut downs are enforced for safety concerns when traditional metallic repairs require hot welding for expended gas and oil pipelines. However, our non-metallic repair is provided as a full turnkey cold work solution, thus guaranteeing that strengthening pipelines and pipe support involves no heat-reliant procedures. WRAP’s world-class services significantly eradicates external corrosion and structurally rehabilitates the asset, whilst also totally erasing the need for costly plant shut downs. Our Neptune Research Inc. composites, together with the use of Safety Tools Allmet, enables us to perform maintenance under a “cold work permit”, thus providing a cost efficient solution and boost safety to a higher level.

Part of IRP pipeline rehabilitation service includes HDD field joint protection. In these procedures we focus on the complete protection of field joint coatings and prepare the pipe for the pull through by providing a robust mechanical protection over the field joint coating.

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